Budget 2025-2026
* This is a growing page. Continue to check back throughout the budget process and follow along on our social media channels to learn how we build the municipal budget.
As we move through the process of developing, presenting and approving the 2025-2026 City budget, we are considering both Council's strategic priorities and the financial realities that both our organization and community are facing. We consider:
- Our current financial state
- Current priorities
- Future priorities
- External pressures
City Council has committed to six dedicated Committee of the Whole meetings on the topic of budget alone in 2024 to gain full understanding of our financial outlook, both now and into the future. Our budget is a balancing act – reflecting our commitment to ensuring the sustained prosperity and well-being of our community while ensuring fiscal capacity and flexibility to address the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Budget Theme
Therefore, this budget process is guided by the overarching theme of balancing the needs of today with the requirements of tomorrow. What do we need to do today to prepare for tomorrow to maintain our advantages that we enjoy today? |
Budget Background and Planning Process
Budgeting in a municipality explores the unique aspects shaping the City’s budget such as the need to operate indefinitely and, by law, municipalities cannot run a deficit. How the City’s budget is structured breaks down the City’s four distinct business units (municipal, land development and real estate, rate-based utilities, and energy production), and operating and capital budget structures. Underpinning the budget planning process for 2025-26 are five budget commitments. On April 23, 2024, City Council began the budget process with a budget planning session. This meeting focused on aligning understanding of the key budget assumptions that will guide the rest of the budget process going forward. Watch the video here | Read the presentation |
Growth Capital Budget Deliberations
Operating and Sustaining Capital Deliberations
Rate Setting and Final Stages