October 22 2024

Council Committee of the Whole - Budget Deliberations (Round 1)

Council will meet to discuss and debate the proposed Rate-Based Utility Budget as well as proposed rate structure. 

Council Chambers
3:45 p.m.

Over the course of four meetings - Council will meet to discuss the operating budgets for: Rate-Based Utilities, Energy Production, Municipal, Land Development & Real Estate, and the City as a whole.

October 30 2024

Council Committee of the Whole - Budget Deliberations (Round 2)

Council Chambers
3:45 p.m.

Over the course of four meetings - Council will meet to discuss the operating budgets for: Rate-Based Utilities, Energy Production, Municipal, Land Development & Real Estate, and the City as a whole.

November 05 2024

Coucil Committee of the Whole - Budget Deliberations (Round 3)

Council Chambers
3:45 p.m.

Over the course of four meetings - Council will meet to discuss the operating budgets for: Rate-Based Utilities, Energy Production, Municipal, Land Development & Real Estate, and the City as a whole.

November 13 2024

Council Committee of the Whole - Budget Deliberations (Round 4)

Council Chambers
3:45 p.m.

Over the course of four meetings - Council will meet to discuss the operating budgets for: Rate-Based Utilities, Energy Production, Municipal, Land Development & Real Estate, and the City as a whole.

November 18 2024

First Reading of Rate Bylaw

Regular City Council Meeting
6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers

December 02 2024

Budget Approval

Regular City Council meeting
6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers

December 16 2024

Rate Bylaw Public Hearing

December 16 2024

Proposed 2nd and 3rd Reading of Rate Bylaw