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How Public Spaces Make Cities Work | (18 min.)

Public spaces, like parks and waterfronts where people can stroll and play, help make cities lively and fun. Amanda Burden helped plan some of New York City’s newest public spaces...Read more

The Future of Cities |  (18 min.)
The Future of Cities | (18 min.)
"Cities aren't buildings. They're people." A fascinating video which follows Oscar Boyson as he travels around the world, talking to people the entire way, to figure out how cities will evolve in the near-future.
Making the Connections: Our City, Our Society, Our Health |  (4 min.)
Making the Connections: Our City, Our Society, Our Health | (4 min.)
Beyond conventional health care, cities have a big role in people's health. By addressing interconnected social factors, we can improve people's health and well-being and reduce health inequities.
Happy City |  (10 min.)
Happy City | (10 min.)
We all want to be happy - but what makes a Happy City? Authors Charles Montgomery and Mark Gorton discuss how the built environment of the place we live directly affects us, with influences like urban design, social relationships and automobile commuting.
How to Make an Attractive City |  (14 min.)
How to Make an Attractive City | (14 min.)
We've grown good at making many things in the modern world - but strangely the art of making attractive cities has been lost. Here are some key principles for how to make attractive cities once again.
Our Canada: Do Our Cities Still Work? |  (19 min.)
Our Canada: Do Our Cities Still Work? | (19 min.)
Is the way we design our cities contributing to making us fatter, sicker and less happy? A CBC mini documentary examines how Canadian city design of the past 70 years may have inadvertently downsized human physical activity, while supersizing our waistlines… and what’s being done about it now.
The big debate about the future of work, explained | (9 min.)
The big debate about the future of work, explained | (9 min.)
Disruptive technologies: Will artificial intelligence and robotics wipe out the need for human workers? Without a doubt, changes will occur, but many economists are skeptical that the impacts will be as widespread as others believe.
How Public Spaces Make Cities Work |  (18 min.)
How Public Spaces Make Cities Work | (18 min.)
Public spaces, like parks and waterfronts where people can stroll and play, help make cities lively and fun. Amanda Burden helped plan some of New York City’s newest public spaces. She shares the unexpected challenges of planning parks people love -- and why it's important.
Placemaking Halifax |  (3 min.)
Placemaking Halifax | (3 min.)
Let’s paint the street! Halifax neighbours come together in this municipally-supported project to transform an intersection by painting a large community-created design on a street. Projects such as this show how “placemaking” can bring people together and build communities.
7 Principles for Building Better Cities |  (14 min.)
7 Principles for Building Better Cities | (14 min.)
The way be build our cities is at the heart of so much that matters, from climate change to economic vitality to our very well-being and sense of connectedness. Peter Calthorpe shares seven universal principles for building smarter, more sustainable cities.
Making Our Cities Greener | (3 min.)
Making Our Cities Greener | (3 min.)
Did you know that we learn better when we have easy access to green spaces? The “202020” project is Australia’s largest urban greening network, and they are pushing for change in how the country’s cities are built. And one great source behind the project’s inspiration is… kids!
Forgotten Main Street as Affordable New Frontier | (28 min.)
Forgotten Main Street as Affordable New Frontier | (28 min.)
In 2002, the Howley family bought an old house and an empty storefront in Water Valley, Mississippi. They were early pioneers in the effort to rehabilitate the 19th Century railroad town, but the formation of a community created the real change.
Age-Friendly Alberta | (7 min.)
Age-Friendly Alberta | (7 min.)
A look at how cities can benefit from being age-friendly, which means having programs, initiatives and support systems to be inclusive for people of all ages. Beyond the conventional thinking of physical accessibility, this involves active aging, social inclusiveness and the role of private business.
Smart Cities Explained in 101 Seconds |  (2 min.)
Smart Cities Explained in 101 Seconds | (2 min.)
What does it really mean to make a city smart? Kiva Allgood explains how tomorrow’s smart cities will share data between governmental departments and citizens to make everyday life more efficient.