The Vibe

I moved here with my husband last year after a searching far and wide for our first home; more specifically, our first forever home.

As soon as we first saw the beginnings of a city over the horizon, I think we knew this was going to be special. For those born and raised here, I wonder if you can feel it too: there is a lightness here, a feeling that we felt as we drove through the calm streets and wondered hopefully if we could have the chance to stay.

It is fitting that the motto “Different kind of energy” is so often repeated, there really is a vibe here. The hustle bustle of other places is replaced by a slow, almost suspended in time feeling. I’m reminded of my childhood. Huge open skies and the sense of community, baseball games and long meandering trails in a small self sufficient town.

The adult in me appreciates the brief traffic commutes, local produce, and friendly services provided by local knowledgable people. The chance to put down some forever roots and feel welcomed along the way.

Medicine Hat is a beautiful hidden gem that we are grateful to have discovered and look forward to many more years exploring all it has to offer.

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