Why do we need to upgrade capacity at this time?

    Due to the anticipated growth and needs of the City of Medicine Hat, the line will be built do accommodate a higher voltage for a higher capacity. It is anticipated that in 2030 that capacity issues during peak times could lead to customer outages. 

    Based on forecasted demand and using conservative demand trends of the past, this transmission line is required to be upgraded to maintain electricity to the majority of the service territory during peak loading times in the summer.

    What will the poles look like?

    Not all structures will be the same. Different types are required for different uses such as crossing waterbodies or turning corners. Please review the section of the project area you reside in to see the most common structures you can expect in your community.

    Learn about the current power poles in your neighbourhood

    Why aren't transmission lines underground?

    The City of Medicine Hat will not be constructing any part of this project underground. The options presented have appropriate electrical clearances, and the high costs associated with underground transmission are not warranted when there is adequate above ground spacing.

    Will the project affect property value?

    The City of Medicine Hat has retained a land appraisal firm to assess property value in relation to its project. The concern of property value has been a common theme from community members and the City wishes to better understand the potential impact and to provide insight for the regulatory review process.

    Each property is different and assessing property value impacts requires understanding the aspects applicable to each parcel. To undertake the review of potential property value impact, the firm will review related studies within the province and North America. The city will follow similar established principles in determining potential changes in home value in relation to a transmission line. In addition to study review, the firm will review communities within Medicine Hat and in other urban centres in Alberta with similar characteristics. A predominant factor is finding an area with similar visual characteristics including a comparable structure types to begin to understand potential impacts of a transmission line on distinct properties. 

    Assessment of property value considers many aspects when evaluating a parcel with the installation of a transmission line. Aspects such as proximity, other linear disturbances, visibility, structure placement, structure type, structure size, or whether the line is on a new or existing alignment will influence parcels differently therefore blanket statements on potential impacts aren’t possible. 

    Medicine Hat understands this is a concern of many and is trying to best understand whether there is or is not a potential impact on any property within the project area. 

    How will you determine a route for the transmission line?

    Selecting a transmission line route takes into account various factors, including agricultural, residential, and environmental impacts, technical requirements, cost, and site-specific features. We aim to minimize impacts, and when that's not possible, we consider mitigations to reduce potential impacts. Feedback from the public early in the siting process is important in understanding these factors before decisions are made. 

    Will this project affect my rates?

    All work done by the Utility is funded through the rates it charges customers. It is not expected to significantly change rates.

    How is the City of Medicine Hat paying for this upgrade? Is it approved within the City budget?

    The City of Medicine Hat will recoup this through rates. The regulatory and design aspects of the project are currently in an approved City budget.

    What if a permanent easement or temporary workspace is requested to construct and operate the facility?

    Land appraisers have been engaged by the City of Medicine Hat to assess potential compensation values for both permanent and temporary easements. Compensation will be driven by the current bare land value of the properties that Medicine Hat must acquire right-of-way for the construction and operation of the transmission line. The appraisers will determine benchmark bare land value by: 

    • considering the highest and best use of the lands on which the right-of-way is to be acquired (Residential, Agricultural, Future Development, Commercial, Institutional),
    • reviewing market information such as market trends, recent sales and/or listings of parcels in the area, and,
    • reviewing other indicative lands in Medicine Hat. 

    Criteria such as zoning, size, access, greenspace, and location will be considered in determining this bare land value.

    Once a value has been determined, land agents will begin negotiations with each individual.

    Are there health effects of electric and magnetic fields (EMF)?

    The City of Medicine Hat understands this concern and takes it very seriously. The City of Medicine Hat follows guidance from Health Canada and the guidelines issued by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)

    With respect to Power lines, Health Canada states:

    "The potential health effects of extremely low frequency EMF has been studied extensively... When you are inside your home, the electric fields from transformer boxes and high voltage power lines are often weaker than the fields from household electrical appliances.  Extremely low frequency EMF exposures in Canadian homes, schools and offices are far below the limits recommended in the ICNIRP guidelines. You don't need to take precautions to protect yourself from these kinds of exposures". 

    We welcome your questions regarding EMF at any time.

    What is the voltage of the transmission line?

    The transmission line will be rebuilt to 138kV but run at the current 69kV capacity until such time as the increased capacity is required.

    What are the anticipated timelines of the Project?

    2023-2024 Engagement, environmental field work and siting 
    2024 Submission to regulators
    2024-2025 Regulatory review and decision
    2025-2029 Design/procurement/construction
    2029  Completed

    Who approves the project?

    The Alberta Utilities Commission is the final decision maker for the project. A Facility Application and supporting reports will be available publicly once filed with the commission for their review.  Information on the regulatory review process can be found at www.auc.ab.ca

    Why am I being notified if there is no route being considered near/on my property?

    The City of Medicine Hat is trying to determine the best place to locate the proposed transmission line for the Project and to understand the landscape, land uses and the features within the area in determining potential impacts. 

    Decisions have not yet been made and not all information has been brought forward; therefore, we wish to speak to as many people as possible early in the process to acquire their feedback and local knowledge so that it can be considered in decision making related to final routing

    What are the benefits of the Project?

    The benefit of this project is to ensure reliable, safe, service to our customers and the ability to support future load growth well into the future.

    Will roads be closed?

    Public awareness and safety will be priority during any construction activities. COMH will continue to inform and update landowners and the municipal district as the project evolves and specific construction plans are determined.

    How long is construction anticipated?

    24 months (2027-2029) but is subject to change.