Key Dates
City Council requests Energy Business Review
On September 5, 2023, City Council requested an independent, third-party review of the City’s energy business to confirm overall strategic approach to ensure best value for the community. This review will provide the information that we need to make informed decisions (regarding our energy production business units) that are in the best interest of the community now and into the future.
The Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued November 10, 2023. There were 12 plan takers, and five submissions. Details are available at link).
The comprehensive review will examine factors such as:
- Ownership model; business model; governance model
- Overall strategic approach to ensuring best value in the community
- Short term vs long term needs / sustainability
- Business vs municipal needs / sustainability (including funding needs for gas abandonments, municipal gap, end of life clean up, debt, etc.)
- Utility ratepayer vs taxpayer value / liability allocation
- Energy transition requirements
- Electric Utilities Act and other legislation and regulations
- Other relevant considerations
KPMG LLP awarded contract to conduct Energy Business Review
The Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued November 10, 2023. There were 12 plan takers, and five submissions. Details are available at link).
KMPG LLP emerged as the top vendor with their combination of proven expertise across a number of the required knowledge areas including municipal government, Alberta electricity market, commodities, rate design, financial strategy, regulatory and more.
During contract negotiations, the City of Medicine Hat and KPMG mutually agreed to include the City’s electricity and gas distribution business in the project, shifting the focus from a ‘COMCO review’ to an ‘energy business review’ to consider all energy related business units given their natural interdependencies and synergies.
KPMG LLP presents analysis of Energy Business Strategic Review
Representatives from KPMG LLP will report the results of their Energy Business Strategic Review to City Council in a Special Open Council Meeting on:
Monday, November 25, 2024
6:30 p.m.
Council Chambers
City Hall, 580 First Street SE
We invite residents to hear KPMG’s recommendations by attending in person or tune in to the livestream on our YouTube channel(External link).