A place to Heal

Being new to the city I was hesitant to raising my family in a new and unknown place. Living here has provided me a space where I felt safe to raise my family and facilitated my healing. I’ve experienced a lot of health difficulties in my life and moving into a new city I was fearful of what that would mean for my health journey. In the last city I lived in I felt like a number, the personal care I received in Medicine Hat reminded me that my health mattered. I felt humanized again, which allowed me to prioritize my health. The environment which surrounded me was beautiful. The coulees and river promoted a positive healing journey. Bring able To experience the peacefulness that seeing deer in your front lawn was a source of medicine I didn’t even know I needed. The beautiful hiking trails created a healing space and moments of peace. Not only did I received the care I needed from the medical facilities in Medicine Hat but just merely living within the beautiful city of Medicine Hat promoted my health and well being. I hope to have many more years in Medicine Hat full of health and healing.

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