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Survey - Proposed IDP Amendments (2024)

Your input is an important part of the Intermunicipal Development Plan update.

Please complete this survey to express your thoughts about the IDP and proposed amendments (See details here).

This survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and it will be available until October 14, 2024.Your responses will be considered as part of the IDP Committee's review of the Plan, which is anticipated to be implemented in early 2025.

No personal information is requested. Thank you for participating!  


Where do you live?

* required

Do you operate a business?

* required

Regarding the proposed IDP amendments, the top two which I support most are:

* required

Regarding the proposed IDP amendments, the top two which I am most concerned about are:

* required

Do you have any suggested changes to the proposed IDP amendments?

* required

Regarding the public open house on October 3 at Desert Blume:

* required

How did you hear about the current IDP project and public engagement? (check all that apply):

* required