- Tier A: Perspectives and investment are directly related to the project’s outcomes and future implementation.
- Tier B: Perspectives and investment are indirectly related to the project’s outcomes and future implementation.
- Tier C: Perspectives and investment are not affected by the project’s outcomes and future implementation.
Why is the City working on an Environmental Framework?
We understand the importance and interdependency of the success of our people, partnerships, environment, economy, and organization to accomplishing our goal of being a vibrant, sustainable, enduring community.
Priority 6.5 within the Medicine Hat City Council 2023 –2026 Strategic Plan states:
Demonstrate that we value the important role our natural environment (including green infrastructure, ecosystem services, air quality, water quality and security and biodiversity) plays in our continued economic and community success, including by implementing an Environmental Framework with prioritized strategies and actions.
What is the Environmental Framework project timeline?
The project was initiated with a competitive Request for Proposal process in August 2022. A project kick-off meeting with the successful consultant was held in October 2022 initiating Stage 2 of the project with the Baseline Review and Climate Resilience Report. The project will continue in 2023 with stakeholder engagement and the final Environmental Framework report being completed in December 2023. Implementation of the Environmental Framework and training of the City staff will take place in early 2024.
Who is leading the Environmental Framework project?
Representatives from the City's Environment, Land and Government Relations department are leading the project with input to each of the project stages from internal City stakeholders and community stakeholders.
How were the invited stakeholders determined?
The project identified various stakeholder groups within Medicine Hat and ranked the stakeholders in the following Tiers:
Tier A stakeholders have been invited to the engagement sessions being held for this project.
If I (or my organization) have not been identified as a Tier A stakeholder, how can I provide input into the project?
Community Engagement Session
A community engagement session in the form of a come and go open house is scheduled for the evening of May 30, 2023 at the Kinplex Social Room to solicit community feedback and input. Please plan on attending this event for further project details and to add your say in the development of the City of Medicine Hat’s Environmental Framework.
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