Off-Leash Area Review

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A black, white and brown dog runs toward the camera at WestVue dog park

Trails and outdoor spaces should be safe and enjoyable for all users.

Off-leash areas are an important community asset. Throughout the development of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, residents told us how important our natural areas and parks are to our community, including our environmental reserves and wildlife habitats. We also heard about many conflicts between off-leash dogs and the people enjoying these areas.

As we develop our off-leash policy and work to define appropriate off-leash areas, we want to hear from all perspectives on how we can identify and manage off-leash areas in a way which meets the needs of both dog-owners and others using our trails and outdoor spaces.

Read our latest report.

Trails and outdoor spaces should be safe and enjoyable for all users.

Off-leash areas are an important community asset. Throughout the development of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, residents told us how important our natural areas and parks are to our community, including our environmental reserves and wildlife habitats. We also heard about many conflicts between off-leash dogs and the people enjoying these areas.

As we develop our off-leash policy and work to define appropriate off-leash areas, we want to hear from all perspectives on how we can identify and manage off-leash areas in a way which meets the needs of both dog-owners and others using our trails and outdoor spaces.

Read our latest report.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    With the recent adoption of the Parks & Recreation Master Plan, we are focusing efforts to progress some of the priorities identified in the process, including one of the major concerns - trail safety.

    Our intention is to make sure that everyone feels safe when using our pathways. This includes anyone who accesses our trails - runners, walkers, cyclists, families with young children, those with a disability, as well as dogs and their owners.

    Please complete the survey and share your feedback on how to best shape our off-leash policy.

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Page last updated: 14 Nov 2023, 10:57 AM